Simplify & Celebrate Life

Close your eyes and imagine the best possible way of living your life. Pay attention to the details of your dreams:

Where you are?

How your day looks like?

What really matters to you?

Whatever your dreams are, it may include living happily and in perfect health, somewhere on a mountain top, or near a beach or in a valley next to river celebrating everyday, and exploring your hidden gifts in arts, music, dance, etc..

The core of all your dreams is to obtain freedom from anything that holds you back to explore your best potential. Everyone wishes to be free then why are so many of us unable to walk towards the life we wish to live?

Let us walk you towards the life of freedom. Acceptance is the foremost thing one must have for themselves, towards their limitations and even their lifestyle. Once you start accepting the life that you live, you can actively start to choose the life that you truly desire.

But then the mind plays a trick and the question arises that why to even make an effort to change from our current life and our comfort zone? What’s wrong with the entangled life now?

Let us travel deeper into it with an experiment:

Take a deep breath in and hold the air within you for about 30 seconds.

Now release it.. Pay attention to how relaxing it is after releasing the air. Did you notice the stress in your chest while holding the air?

That is how life works; cycles of stress and relaxation. This applies to everything in life… Whatever we hold on to, there will be always stress to maintain them, protect them! See, it is so stressful to hold some extra air even for ~30 seconds… And we all have experienced the stress of holding on so many things, habits, people, situations, etc….

There are only two ways to live life: Struggle and Submission. Just like while swimming, struggle is important to move ahead, to cut across the water… On the other hand, while floating on water, submission happens, bringing in more peace & tranquility.

Struggle comes from fighting with the reality, and clinging onto things, behaviours or people. And submission is like riding with the inner joy, releasing what does not serve us anymore, surrendering to nature’s energy; a life of freedom!

Have you noticed that in nature, everything happens at its own sweet time. With surrendering, everything happens at the best of the potential. The river grabs its energy from gravity and finds its way to the ocean. Wherever the river is passing, greenery appears, animals come to drink water. River was not passing from there for the trees and animals, it just happens to naturally. The birds that chirp and eat fruits from the trees unknowingly drop the seeds and that helps to grow another plant. The bird here is unaware of it planting another tree. Now, due to trees shade, river also benefits in summer continuing to flow. Everything in nature works in complete harmony.

In our lives as well whenever everything feels like it is just happening, flowing then we are be aligned to reality, peace and inner joy. And whenever someone is forced to do things, life becomes a burden. Forced to go to work, forced to stay healthy, maintain relationships, continuously thinking about money, etc.. it is a life of struggle and stress.

In a life of submission, everything happens, health happens, money comes, joy flows from within irrespective of external situations of relationships, financial status or anything else, leading to a lively life, which happens to you. Have you ever felt the joy of a person lost in their dance, music, arts, sports, it feels like they dissolve themselves in the act as if they do not exist. Total submission….

Simplify your life,

  • So that the best of your potential comes out on its own…
  • So that You ride the inner joy…
  • So that You become an explorer….
  • So that your hidden gifts flourish…
  • So that You celebrate each moment of life….

Let everyone cherish their journey of surrender. I salute everyone’s curiosity to explore best of your potential.