You are in a Whirlpool

What would you do if you are struck in a water whirlpool?

Well, you will not have any time to use your mind and make strategy. You will act in either of these two ways – fight to swim out of it or just surrender to it.

Are you really able to fight a whirlpool – is it feasible? Most people will try to fight to swim out of it, creating panic for yourself. Most of us live our lives like that; fighting in the whirlpool of life, panicking and putting so much effort in everything; to stay healthy, spending money unnecessarily, giving back to society & environment.

by surrendering to the whirlpool of life to come out of it as a natural consequence rather than struggling with false expectations.

Body heals Body – Just like forests, rivers, mountains, etc has their own intelligence to self-heal from any external damage – in the same way our body (damaged by our own habits and behaviours) knows best how to self-heal.

Then, why does most people suffer from dis-eases?

Because most people make their own whirlpool to keep body in the fighting mode rather than just surrendering to the body to fix itself and trust and listen to our body. Let us dig deeper to gratify your curiosity:

1. What is the root cause of all the dis-eases?

2. How our body works?

3. How to transition to self-healing journey?

Root causes of all dis-eases:

Root cause of all dis-eases is the garbage matter stuck in various parts of body – it gets stuck because we do not give enough time to body to clean it. We keep on adding food without previous one getting fully digested and its waste matter exited our system. This garbage which was supposed to be thrown out remains within the body leading to fermentation. Medical sector has given thousands of names to these dis-eases which are actually names of the symptoms – the root cause for all of them is same.

What we eat and the way we eat creates most fiscal matter stuck in the body. Particularly, meat, dairy and grains produce most amount of blockage in the body leading to longest digestion time and highest fermentation in the body. That is how gas is created from this fermented matter – otherwise there is no gas cylinder fitted in us by nature.

In nature, whenever an animal is sick – first thing they do is stop eating. They go on fast either with water or without water. This gives time to body to self-heal and take out the blockage via its skin, stool, urine or breath.

How does our body work:

Our body is a highly efficient machine; experience it and listen to it to know how it exactly works so that you can decide which fuel to put into it.

Just like our home has two types of piping system – one to bring fresh water to drink, bath, clean and another is sewage system to take out used water waste out of our home. If any of these systems creates minor issues or stop working completely, it is so difficult to stay in the home until it is fixed.

In the same way, our body has blood streams to give energy in every part and lymphatic network as our sewage system to take out dead cells, debris and all unwanted matter out of body. In our society, we only focus on food consumption all the time without giving any attention to the body’s efficiency to eliminate the unwanted matter out of the body. We create our own whirlpool and remain stuck in its vicious cycle of dis-eases due to lack of elimination of the debris from our body.

Transition to Self-healing:

Any transition will break-apart the old before building the new – that is how it works in nature also. The container has to be new, fresh just like you renovate & clean your house before moving to a new place.

Any change in food habits of eliminating meat, dairy and reducing grains – adding more and more fruits and veggies will lead to detox symptoms. You were adding toxins to your body for decades and now you started cleaning your house – obviously there will be some temporary troubles to deal with. These detox symptoms could be either headache, loose-motion, mood swings, irritation, periods disturbance, feeling dizzy, weight loss, etc.

The transition must be done slowly and as much detox symptoms you can bear. Do not get scared from your family & friends – as they are not aware what you are going through. Focus on long-term goal to clean and heal yourself.

Coming back to whirlpool, water whirlpool is of cone shape and weakest at its bottom; if you do not panic and surrender to its force, you will quickly reach its bottom and exit easily from it. That is the power of surrendering. In the same way, leave it to your body to self-heal. Have a great time healing 🙂