Rose Healing, Rose pink, Healthy healing, Natural Healing, Back to Purity, Raise Your Standards 

Who said the roses are Red? Roses are humans too.

What do you think about roses?

Did you know that a rose can help you self heal at a deeper level?

We all have intricate patterns of life and we all are intimately woven by our experiences just like the rose is formed of patterns of geometry. We too as humans are no less than forming patterns of geometry. 

We too have like the rose, thorns. Yet what we do differently than a rose is to be so fixated on our thorns that we neglect our bloom.

The deep red cherry colour of the rose smells so different than cherries, the pure white   rose like that of a saint’s dress sits eagerly to be picked by a  lover sometimes, and the occasional pink blooming roses puts our hearts back to the age of cotton candy. We as humans have a different essence, a different way of observation and perceiving the world around us. Like the roses, we all have different colours and in unimaginable ways, we contribute like roses in one another’s life; being a part of each other’s celebrations, connections and moments of pure joy. 

Some of the roses are known for their touch-me-not thorns, which can be compared to the ego of the human mind. Yet, the rare of the rarest Blue Rose hides within all of us; this rose that is deep as the ocean and its colour can be related to the colour of surrender.

I would like to invite you a little deeper to explore your Rosy Colours to become the rose that you truly are. Roses are Authentic, Pure, sensual and gentle. After ages of conditioning and accumulations of patterns into our minds and into our lives, we have let our innocence stand out, because of which we are unable to see the rose within, which is still untouched, still fragrant, still gentle and still loving. You are that rose, which can bring beauty, surrender and a heartfelt connection out onto the vase or the canvas of life. 

A rose in reality can heal us and uncover the hate as love, the distrust as trust, the fear for surrender and the thorns can be seen for a period of transformation and inner work. Touch of the rose is not only delicate but also powerful and enchanting for it touches a deeper unit of life at a cellular level.

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